One of the things I have learned from all of the YouTube sharpeners is that when you first start, you have to do just that: Start. I heard the same thing about becoming a Youtuber, don’t worry about what camera you have and how bad you think the video is, just put it out there. So today, I started by sharpening 10 of our knives and one pair of craft Scissors. Next, I have the next-door neighbor bringing their knives over later.
Lessons learned from my practice knives is that in the beginning, you tend to over-sharpen. You spend way too much time on the knife. If all you did were use a 120-grit belt and a stropping wheel, It would be sharper than most people keep their knives. As you get better at holding consistent angles and get a better feel, then start adding in the additional steps to make it like a razor.
The moral of this story is to sharpen a lot of knives and strive to do better with each one.
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